Club Officers 2024/25
Management Committee 2024/25
Officers | Name | Contact |
President |
Alan Slater |
07775 881136
Secretary |
Steve Yeates |
07714 480086 email: [email protected] |
Treasurer |
Kay Merrick |
07981 908247 email: [email protected]
Captain |
Len Phillips |
01527 592949
Greenkeeper |
Paul Cotton
email: [email protected] |
Member Representative |
Elizabeth Scott |
07754 750150
IBC Trustee |
Iris Smith |
07729 311922
Other Club Roles |
Bar Manager |
Andy Merrick |
Club Coach
Andy Merrick |
Competitions Organiser |
Geraldine Slater |
07765 939 900
Fixture Secretary |
John Bird |
01386 791589 or 07879 511405
New Membership Enquiries |
Steve Yeates |
07714 480086 email: [email protected] |
Social Secretary |
Steve Yeates
As above
Triples League Captains: Interberga Vale |
Paul Cotton Chris Churchill |
01386 462429 |
Webmasters |
John Scott Paul Cotton |
email: [email protected]
07866 093659 |
Wefare and Safeguarding |
Elizabeth Scott |
07754 750150
The Committee manage the day to day running of the club and meet approximately six times per year or as necessary.
An AGM is held at the end of the outdoor bowling season.
Should you have a query or suggestions then please speak to a member of the Committee who always welcome new ideas.